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Enhance your Python

Home: Welcome

Speeding up your Python code should be easy

Pyston is an open-source faster implementation of the Python programming language, designed for the performance and compatibility challenges of large real-world applications.


Simply drop Pyston into your environment and get a 35-65% speedup with no development work required.


Please check out our blog or GitHub for more details.

Home: About

It gets even easier

Not ready to switch your Python implementation? We've also built "pyston lite" which is the main Pyston technology in an easy-to-install extension module. Simply do

pip install pyston_lite_autoload


conda install pyston_lite_autoload -c conda-forge

and your code will now magically be 10-25% faster. Currently available for Python 3.8, Mac and Linux.

Home: Text


Lower your costs

Pyston needs 25% fewer servers for the same workload

Improve the user experience

Users prefer faster responses and Pyston lowers both average response time and p99 latencies

Improve developer productivity

Spend less time waiting for your code and tools to run

Home: Services

Contact us

We're happy to answer any questions or tell you about our commercial support plans.  You can also find us on Discord

Thanks for submitting!

Home: Contact
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